Liturgical Ministries

Acolytes +

Until 1973, being an Acolyte referred to the being a cleric in Minor Orders, specifically the highest of the four minor orders in the Western Church. Today the term Acolyte refers to Altar Servers, Candle Bearers and Cross Bearers.

All young men and women of the parish, third-grade and older may become Acolytes. You must be a part of our Youth Program which includes attending Mass on all Sundays and Holy Days of obligation, attend our Catechetical program and be a young Catholic role model to others.

Training sessions are held frequently throughout the year, usually at 5:00 pm on Wednesdays. Notice of training is in the bulletin. Our acolytes are among the best!

Contact: Deacon Rick Moser (307) 587-2567

Children's Liturgy of the Word +

During the readings and the homily at the weekend Masses at St. Anthony's, volunteers read and discuss God's Word at a child's level (ages 4–8). All materials are provided.

Volunteers welcome! Anyone interested in helping out, please call. Please note the Diocese of Cheyenne requires all volunteers (1) to have completed Background Checks, and (2) to have taken a Safe Environment Training Course before beginning this ministry.

Contact: DRE Kellie Edwards (307) 587-3388

Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion +

This is one of the most awesome ministries in which a lay person is allowed to participate. As a Lector he/she proclaims — not just reads — the holy word to the entire assembly during Mass. As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, he/she, holding the real, living Jesus in his/her hands, distributes the Body or Blood of Jesus to the congregation.

Adults age eighteen (18) or older may volunteer to serve as a Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Candidates must be practicing Catholics in good standing. One has the opportunity to choose to serve as a Lector only, as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion only, or both. This should be made known to the Parish Office when you apply for candidacy to this ministry.

Training of individuals for this ministry is done by the Pastor about twice a year or as the need for additional ministers arises. Following the training, the Pastor must submit the name(s) of the successful candidate(s) to the Bishop requesting him to issue a mandate allowing the candidate(s) to serve in this capacity. Mandates are usually issued for a period of three (3) years and then must be renewed. From time to time, Father will hold additional training sessions for all Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holu Communion — those who are already mandated and others who hope to become mandated.

Service schedules are prepared assigning each individual to the various weekends and holy days, and designating them as either a Lector or Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion for the particular weekend/Holy Day Mass.

Contact: Parish Office (307) 587-3388

Ministry to the Homebound +

Volunteers attempt to visit and bring Holy Eucharist at least once a week to the homebound, the sick, the aged, and the hospitalized. The Pastor attempts to visit the above and bring the Sacraments of Healing when needed and again once a month.

To be a recipient of this ministry, call the Parish Office (307) 587-3388. New laws prohibit hospitals from releasing names of patients. Friends and relatives of someone admitted to the hospital must notify the rectory to inform us.

To be a volunteer, please call the Parish Office (307) 587-3388. The Diocese of Cheyenne requires all volunteers (1) to have completed Background Checks, and (2) to have taken a Safe Environment Training Course before beginning this ministry.

Contact: Deacon Joe Bush (307) 250-5494

Music Ministry +

Music is a gift from God, one that blesses us continually. A perfect voice is not required nor is prior experience. A heart to sing and bring that precious element to our Liturgy is all that is required.

  • Main Parish Choir
  • Children's Choir (8 – 12)
  • Hispanic Choir
  • Schola (chant/sacred/Latin)
  • Praise & Worship Team
  • Music Team
  • Cantors
Contact: Music & Choir Director Patricia Wormington (307) 213-0229
Schola Cantorum Contacts: Whitney Maslak (307) 250-4319
Patricia Wormington (307) 213-0229

Lay Schedules

Eucharistic Minister schedules are available to be e-mailed, picked up in the church vestibule, and/or appear in the weekly Church Bulletin.

Prayer Ministries

Angels of Mercy +

The Angels of Mercy is a prayer group of 60+ men and women, including members of different religious faiths. We pray for all people who are critically ill, mentally ill, grieving the loss of a loved one or any other need.

After knowing how powerful prayer can be, the Angels of Mercy was formed in January, 1999, by Jeanne Lenzner with the help of Father Joseph Daley. The group has no meetings; everything is done by telephone and email. The group has prayed for over 1,100 people thus far.

Contact: Donna Carpenter (307) 250-6258

Eucharistic Adoration +

St. Anthony of Padua Parish began adoration five days a week in March 2006. St. John Paul II said, "Every member of the Church must be vigilant in seeing that this sacrament of love shall be at the center of the life of the people of God so that through all the manifestations of worship due to it (the Blessed Sacrament), Christ shall be given back 'love for love' and truly become the life of our souls." At St. Anthony of Padua in Cody, over 165 parishioners have answered this call. Those who come to adoration have become closer to our Lord and in many ways have come to know the many blessings they receive through Eucharistic Adoration.

Adoration begins at 9:00 am and continues until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday (through December 4, 2023), and 9:00 am until 6:00 pm Tuesday through Friday. (beginning December 5, 2023) There is always a need for more parishioners to sign up for an hour (or half hour) before the Blessed Sacrament.

Contact: Joyce Dickerman (307) 587-3388

Holy Spirit Prayer Group +

The group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 1:00 pm in the Church. We pray for special needs and requests for individuals, our parish, our youth and our world through the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Members pray the Chaplet individually each day and as a group at our monthly prayer meeting. Everyone who has a need for special prayer is encouraged to call members of the group to include their requests in our daily prayers. We welcome new members at all times.

Contact: Mary Anne Koontz (307) 587-5113

Rosary Group +

The Rosary Group meets at the Long Term Care Center (LTCC) at 1:00 pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to pray the Rosary with LTCC residents. This gives the residents an opportunity to be together with fellow Catholics and visit with each other before and after we pray at 2:00 pm.

Contact: Donna Sears (307) 250-3631

Spiritual Motherhood Sodality +

This group is for all women and girls who wish to belong to an organization to pray for priests. They meet on Fridays from 2:00–3:00 pm in the church.

Contact: Leslie Maslak (307) 527-5242

Taizé Prayer +

Taizé is a meditative worship service in a setting of soft candlelight that fosters comnunion with God. It combines repetitive songs and chants, scripture readings, and periods of group silence. While worshipping in a community setting, one can remain open to the voice of God and discover the prayer within.

Taizé prayer and music meets seasonally in the Church of St. Anthony. Please check the Parish Bulletin for current date and time.

Contact: Patricia Wormington (307) 213-0229

Photo credit: Jody Moser

Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday afternoon at St. Anthony's..