Caring & Prayer Shawl Ministries +
The Caring Ministry connects parishioners who have time and talents to share with parishioners who have a need. Some of the
gifts we offer are companionship, respite, errands, simple chores, reading, support, listening, transportation to weekend Mass – and others. If you or your
family could use some support, if you know of someone who needs assistance, or if you have time and talents to share, please
contact us.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is part of the Caring Ministry. Our mission is to provide hope, comfort, and healing to those
who most need a reminder of God's love for them through the work of our hands and the prayer in our hearts. The ministry is open
to anyone who has the skills to knit, crochet, quilt or sew or who has the desire to learn. To learn more about prayer shawls,
please visit www.shawlministry.com.
Caring Ministry: Parish Office (307) 587-3388
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Dorothy Bunn (307) 899-5007
Catholics United for Life is a national Catholic
organization headquartered in New Hope, Kentucky. Its members are dedicated to practicing and defending the teaching of the authentic Magisterium of the
Church in its entirety. We take as our criteria the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Church, especially as expressed in Humanae
Vitae and Familiaris Consortio.
While making every effort to stop abortion, by both surgical and so-called "contraceptive" abortifacient methods, Catholics United for Life (CUL)
is dedicated to opposing the growing contraceptive mentality, promoting chaste marital relations, responsible Christian parenthood, chastity for
children, youth, and adults, and the rights and welfare of the family.
St. Anthony's Affiliate meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6:00 pm in St. Anthony's Parish Library. Dues are $20 per year (single membership) or $30 per year
(family membership). At this time our annual functions include:
Mailing Address: Catholics United for Life, P.O. Box 3173, Cody, WY 82414
Contact: Fred Schneider (307) 587-2733 or Mary Ann Stensing (307) 578-5977
English as a Second Language +
St. Anthony's offers classes to assist those individuals who are interested in learning English as a second language.
Contact: Laura Veronica or Ann Eckardt at the Parish Office, (307) 587-3388
Evangelization is "the announcement of the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ and the communication of God's gift of His own
divine life in the sacraments" (NDC, no. 16). This is the mission given to the whole Church, and every individual Christian shares in this work.
Our mission is to attract and invite Catechists and speakers who are willing and generous to catechize the adults in our parish. We are
currently involved in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and an ongoing Adult Education Series.
We are hoping to expand into other areas such as: Catechist training, Mystagogical or post-baptismal catechesis, permanent or continuing catechesis and missionary
activity directed toward non-believers or those who live in religious indifference.
Contact: Parish Office (307) 587-3388
The Funeral Ministry provides and serves a noontime meal for the bereaved family and friends following the funeral Mass and/or internment. If you would
like to join a Funeral Ministry team, or for more information about this ministry, please give us a call!
Contact: Jeanette Prosceno (307) 272-8688 or Joyce Dickerman (307) 272-9722
Ministry to Marriage and Family +
The Marriage Enrichment and Family Strengthening program is a comprehensive program for all stages of marriage and family life. It was established in 2005 with a grant to provide training and supplies for a Mentoring program. The trained Married Mentors meet with engaged couples to discuss and understand many life issues. The Mentors are also trained to support and encourage married couples facing difficulties. Goals include:
To help couples avoid entering a bad marriage.
To prepare couples for lifelong marriage.
To strengthen and support existing marriages.
To restore troubled marriages.
To strengthen families and communities by reducing divorce rates.
To support parents in effective parenting methods.
To support the education of youth in healthy relationships.
Mentors must complete a 14 week training to become mentors. Once commissioned to the Ministry of Marriage the mentors are then
required to continue monthly support and enrichment sessions. There will be ongoing marriage enrichment classes. The trainings will be
based on "The Third Option" marriage enrichment program and will include sessions on communications, conflict management, listening
and talking skills, trust and forgiveness. The continued enrichment program will also include Pope John Paul's "Theology of the Body"
documents and other pertinent writings.
Contact: Parish Office (307) 587-3388
The Stewardship Committee is comprised of the leader or representative of each parish ministry or organization. Our mission is to work
together in the vineyard of St. Anthony's Parish to increase the number of vineyard workers and to increase the harvest. By working together
we bring all the parish ministries into one ministry of stewardship. We combine all the talents of St. Anthony's parishioners and promote the
ideals of Christian Stewardship, namely fostering gratitude for our many gifts, recognizing and using our time, talents and treasures for the
good of the entire Church and returning our gifts with increase to the Father.
Contact: Parish Office (307) 587-3388
The following organizations are not directly affiliated with the Church of St. Anthony. Links are included here for the convenience of our parishioners.
Catholic Charities of Wyoming
Cody Cupboard
Cody Holiday Helpers
Cody Interfaith COVID-19 Relief Fund
Heart Mountain Volunteer Medical Clinic
Serenity Pregnancy Resource Center
Right to Life of Wyoming
The Knights of Columbus are men who have dedicated themselves to the ideals of Columbianism: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Membership in Council 4031 offers the Catholic man opportunities for leadership training, volunteer service to Church and community, affordable life insurance,
and so much more. We are always looking for Catholic men to assist the Parish and the Cody Community. If you are interested in joining
or reactivating your membership, just attend one of our monthly meetings or contact any Council member. We'd love to have you with us!
For more information, visit our Web site at www.CodyKofC.org.
Contact: Chris Lovera (307) 578-7531
Mary's Moms Bible Study strives to support, encourage, and share with one another our Catholic faith and our important role as
mothers. Members prepare for each lesson and come prepared to discuss and share the week's lesson. Each meeting also includes
informal discussion and social time. Babysitting is provided at meetings and infants are welcome.
If you are interested in joining or would like to volunteer as a babysitter, please give us a call.
Contact: Stefanie Bell (307) 527-4626 or(307) 272-1386 or Meagan Thomasson (307) 587-4002
Many single members of the parish may feel that they don't fit in or belong at a couples-oriented or family-oriented social event. Many
singles feel uncomfortable attending functions alone. Still others may have a feeling of not belonging and as a result never participate in
any activity. St. Anthony's Singles provides a comfortable environment to meet other Catholics while providing a wide range of social
activities that allows the individual to become a more active member of St. Anthony's community. It also allows for social networking of
fellow members. IT IS NOT A DATING SERVICE.
Membership is open to all widowed, divorced, and never married single adults 18 years and older who are members of St. Anthony's
parish. (No one is too old!!) Membership dues are $15 a year to pay for administrative and other expenses. Members will be required
to pay their own expenses for some activities (i.e., movies, bowling, museums, trips, etc.).
Contact: Phyllis Bohm (201) 469-7147
The Woman's Spiritual Group is a group of women who meet to read and discuss books. It is open to any woman who likes to read, enjoys
learning and discussing books, and sharing with other women of Faith. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the Parish Center
Library after the 8:30 am Mass.
Contact: Ann Eckardt (307) 272-0374
St. Anthony's bell tower reflected in the Ten Commandments monument